EDUMAX - powered by SHEMROCK & SHEMFORD Group of Schools - with its more than 3 decades of experience in the education sector has brought to you the best-in-class learning.

Regular Evaluations

Child assessment is a vital component of any learning system. It is important not only to understand and support the development of children but also to document and evaluate how effectively the school’s teaching-learning programs are meeting children’s educational needs. EduMAX celebrates every milestone as children traverse their learning journey. We make use of a broad range of informal evaluation methods and formal testing systems for assessing both academic and overall development of the children.
We conduct several oral assessments for our children and use a very positive & constructive test grading system that rates the performance of a child as either ‘Emerging’, ‘Evolving’ or ‘Empowered’, rather than the usual poor, fair or good as used in grading system.

Full Day Structured Curriculum

EduMAX is a complete package of online and offline learning comprising engaging and interesting activities, Live and recorded Video Lessons, games, resources and worksheets which help parents facilitate children in their homeschooling journey. The children's minds are sharpened, energy channelized and potential-fully developed through a variety of purposeful activities. EduMAX is a "Play Oriented" Online School Programme. Through various play activities, children grow up making their own decisions and discoveries. Activities like painting, rhyming, singing, clay modelling, block building, fancy dress, etc. are all a part of our Online Classes.

Mid-week Theme-based Programme

The WOW! Wednesdays activities during our online classes are theme-based activities which impart sound values in our children. These activities are especially designed for our children keeping in mind their interests, learning capabilities and developmental levels.

Wonderful Teachers

We have a highly motivated & professional team of facilitators who are dynamic, caring, dedicated & competent to teach our children with utmost patience and understanding. We, at EduMAX, have small class sizes thus, allowing our teachers to provide personalised care to our children to stimulate their budding minds to explore, understand and appreciate the finer aspects of life. We have a teacher and an assistant teacher in all our pre-primary classes. While the teacher teaches the concepts, the assistant teacher pays individual attention to every child and ensures that each child is able to understand the concept well.

Theme-Based Curriculum

Theme-based learning helps children to relate to what they are being taught and apply it in their day-to-day life in meaningful ways. Our simple and engaging hands-on activities where we use easily available materials to teach the concepts helps in making kids independent, creative and agile.

Resources for Parents

Parents receive a treasure of resources from EduMAX which aids them in supporting the children in their activities. Parents don’t have to bother about coming up with new ideas every single day to ensure that their children keep learning. Also the teachers are in regular touch with the parents guiding them in case of any queries. This improves bonding between parent and children as minimum time is spent by parents on researching for learning resources and they can spend more quality time with children.

Puppet Story Time, Virtual Tours, and more!

Our story time sessions create magic and a sense of wonder as children listen with rapt attention. Stories are a great way to promote a feeling of well‐being and relaxation. They increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings, and expand their imagination and creativity. Moreover, listening to stories enhances language skills, creative thinking, reading , listening and writing skills.

Real Life Skills Development

Online education for kids is incomplete without practical skills. Practical learning activities teach children about logical and structured thinking, control and coordination, self-reliance and independence. These are the most important skills needed for the 21st century. These exercises include learning how to do chores, take basic care of the body, and develop good habits for life.

Kinesthetic Learning

At EduMAX online classes, we encourage our kids to do various kinesthetic exercises everyday to help them develop both physically and mentally. We have integrated fine and gross motor activities in our core curriculum to keep them engaged, promote social interaction and give wings to their creativity and talent.

Global Exposure

At our EduMAX virtual preschool, children are enrolled not only from India but also from South Africa, Sweden, Japan, Singapore and Pakistan. So, children get a chance to join a global classroom- a classroom with kids from all over the world.

E Learning for Kids with EduMAX – A Perfect Mix of Online and Offline

With EduMAX, our goal is to redefine preschool. Our virtual preschool has allowed children to stay connected with their teachers in these hard COVID times. The parents are very happy and impressed with the fact that not only does the virtual platform at EduMAX provide structure to their day but also keeps the kids busy and happy.


Online activities involve online participation using Google Classroom at EduMAX which requires the participation of children enrolled.


Offline activities will include working independently on worksheets and material assigned by your teacher. This is also conducted on Google Classroom.
School Batch Timings

Enroll your child for EduMAX for Minimum Screen-time and Maximum Education!

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